“It was just here!” Maggie shouted as she searched her pockets for the missing item. Patting down her jacket first.
“I had it when I arrived at Walmart because before going in, I took them off from around my neck.”
Maggie had held the rosary close to her heart since the day her Mom gave them to her, just before she passed. They were a gift given to her mother on the day of her first communion by her parents. Frazzled, Maggie started to slip her hands into every pocket of her jeans. Nothing.
Panic set in thinking maybe they dropped out of the small hole in her top jacket pocket, but she had never heard anything hit the ground. Of course, when she was in the parking lot, there was a lot of noise from all the cars racing back and forth, trying to find a place to park.
There was nothing in any of her pockets. The rosary wasn’t anywhere. Maggie started to cry. Her daughter heard her and came into the room, asking what was wrong.
“I can’t find Grandma’s rosary. You know how I take it off from around my neck when in the stores after what that nasty lady said to me one time. I put it in a pocket, and now it isn’t in any of them.”
“Mom, it will be okay. Maybe we should drive back to the store and look for it.”
“Okay, but first, I have to put away the groceries that go in the freezer and fridge, so nothing spoils.”
The two of them did that together, leaving the other bags on the counter and headed for the car. The Walmart was only a few blocks away, so they were there in a flash.
“Mom, you go look in the store and mall area. I will check the parking lot.”
They parked in the same exact spot where Maggie had been the first time. The two of them looked all around that area first.
“Okay, you keep looking here. I took the buggy back to that area across from the car. I will go inside and search. Meet me in twenty minutes by the doors or come find me if you have the rosary.”
Maggie started her search as she walked through the mall doors and traced her path to the store entrance and all around the areas she had shopped, including the check-out she used. Nothing, just nothing.
Maggie went to customer service and asked if anyone had returned a rosary. “It has clear pieces on it with a silver cross.” The lady said not while she was there and inquired how long ago she had lost it.
Tears started down Maggie’s face again as she left to go meet her daughter. “Did you find anything?”
“Sorry, Mom. Nothing in the parking lot, and I went four rows over and back. Let’s go back home and finish putting the groceries away. Maybe someone will find it and turn it in. We can check tomorrow.”
The two drove back to the house. Maggie started unpacking the canned goods and cereals.
“Mom, Mom. I found Grandma’s rosary.”
Maggie ran over to the open door. “Where was it?”
“Grandma’s rosary was on the floor in the back of the car. It must have slipped out of your pocket when you were putting the groceries in.”
Maggie’s daughter slipped her Grandmother’s rosary over her mother’s head and onto her neck.
“Mom. Please don’t take it off again, no matter what people say. Grandma would want to be close to you all the time.”