A Letter to my 14-year old Self (Diane Chartrand

Dear Younger Me,

As I reflect on all the things that went on when we were fourteen, the now seventy-six-year-old me still has trouble reconciling all of it.

At that time, we were confused, angry, and became a rebel doing everything in our power to do the opposite of what was asked.  To try and show the grownups they were wrong, at one point, we walked over twenty-five miles to visit the boy, we believed to be our boyfriend and though we were madly in love with him.

We both know that didn’t work out well.  Getting there in the late evening, what was believed would happen didn’t.  The boy’s father immediately put us in his car and drove us home.  After that, the boy was instructed to stay away from us.  I remember how painful that was and think it led to all the following disruptive actions that followed.

Often during the years before we turned fourteen, we defended Dad even though he was an alcoholic and most times was violent when drunk.  For years he would take put us in the back seat of the car.  He would drive to the bar, leave us alone in the car all day, and then drive home once his money ran out.  Everyone called us “Daddy’s Girl,” but we both know that really wasn’t the case.

I know that being a teenager is a difficult time in life. For us, it was even more challenging to compete with six other siblings for attention.  This, I believe, was our way of getting attention.  Even the time we ran away just down the street to stay at a friend’s house.  When the police arrived, our mother made it clear to put us in a cell for the night and not let anyone bail us out.

I have a vivid remembrance of that night.  We were scared but not remorseful.  Once our friends knew the situation, they would come, one by one, and sit by the bars at the window, being the jail was on the ground floor, and talk.  It was supposed to be a lesson to behave.  Guess that didn’t work.

Okay, enough of the remembering.  I want you to know that after several years of even worse mistakes, we turned out okay.  It took a long time to get it right, but I have no fear because we are okay today.

Life is calm for the most part.  We found that writing has soothed the rebel in our soul, or maybe utilizes it because all of that can be expressed through the characters in the books we write.  It has been a great way to live adventures as someone else and find redemption in the end.  

We had many challenges at fourteen, but I believe that may be the case for the majority of teenagers trying to navigate all the changes happening with our bodies and in our life.  Going to High School, liking boys, and not knowing what to do with all that.

Life can be a challenge for many unforeseen reasons, so I want you to know that we turned out okay even though we made many mistakes along the way.

Where’s the Magic? (Muriel Allingham)

            I asked myself, where’s the magic in it?  The greyness of Ontario’s winter with dirty salt drenched snow, and the feeling that everything is broken; we are prisoners.  But, is it merely a mindset like the spiritual gurus tell me in their optimistic Instagram posts?  Can I change the way I see it?  

            Suppose the cloud covered sky, in its magnificent desolation, is as pale as a fresh snowfall and the haze breathes a veil to shield the distant trees in a weighted sigh, and the tired slush that lines the shoulders wears a gown of virgin pearls, their luster yet to be uncovered. 

            And is drinking champagne at 2pm a bad thing, or a gateway drug to poetic visions?  

            What about the wrongly condemned prisoner?  I wonder if he or she becomes unsure of their innocence while waiting for their conviction to be overturned; the truth after all, is a strangely tentative thread.  If all the evidence led them to prison, do they ever wonder if they actually committed the crime in question and do they grapple with their own verity?  Is the truth malleable?  And how much are we convinced of our own thoughts? 

            And prisoners in general (not the quarantined ones of 2020/21), but the ones that find themselves, thanks to various poor choices, incarcerated in orange.  What makes some pick up a vocation, a book, a dream, and others a myriad of tattoos and the skill of crafting shives?  Perhaps it is what they choose to see.  

            For someone like me, struggling with loss at this time, what I look at during the day shapes and molds everything from my energy, to my mood, and my interactions with others.  Memories become a child’s mobile that turns in front of me, constantly shifting in the breeze of emotion.  Switching left, then right to show me each angle of what has departed, what I have lost.  Therefore, my focus is what I know, and no amount of intellect can change that image. 

            So, I am following the advice of the gurus and the gentle souls that guide me to a different plateau.  I am learning French, and I study each morning, even though there are days when I miss most of the lesson.  I am reading the classics, even though the mobile of loss often catches my eye and I become distracted, and am left with blanks in the story line.  I am writing sporadically, and finding much solace in exercise.  

            I am becoming the model prisoner, determined to find a way through this isolation and personal loss with something other than a penchant for champagne, or a tear drop tattoo.  

            The mind is a tricky thing that loves to ruminate on something, anything at all, and for those of us who love to cradle our misfortune like a long-lost love, we must fight the urge to see the bleakness of a January afternoon as anything but a work of art in a limited palate.  And mid-afternoon, I am sipping champagne in the French tradition of a breast shaped flute, and ignoring the dirt on my kitchen floor, as the melting snow on my back deck leaves shallow, languid puddles that quiver with hopes to freeze.    

            How I see reality is up to me, and what I choose to cling to is my choice.  Soon, the world will turn to reveal something new and exciting, and we just need to hike up our orange jumpsuits, put on some lipstick, drink a little champagne and remember that above the unending greyness of the sky, the stars, the sun and the moon still reside.  

The Joy of Travelling (Maria Melillo Jones)

Travelling comes with pros and cons. The much-needed time off. Those unique places you have yearned to visit. 

Some of us pack the bare essentials. I fall into the category of packing everything, even the kitchen sink if I could. My logic is why buy it if I already own it. Perhaps it is not logical, more like my own stupidity.

 My suitcases are always packed to the maximum weight, leaving only a few ounces to spare.

Next time I travel, I’ll pack lightly, repeating to myself after each trip. What a joke; until today, I have not yet learned a lesson. At the airport, I find myself dragging around two suitcases and a purse. The feeling of a donkey overloaded suddenly creates a picture in my mind.

Standing in the long line at the airport, I look at myself in disbelief to have done it again. I push one suitcase with a foot while dragging along the other.

I finally reach the airline counter, droplets of sweat are overcoming my body with fear of my suitcases been overweight.  The luggage has finally made it through the conveyor belt without penalty.  A deep breath of relief overcomes the fear.

” I did it,” Repeating to myself with enthusiasm and pride. Until the next trip, I suppose.

Coming back from Italy is not different. When I see an object costing less than what I would pay in Canada, I’ll buy it. I saved myself a few dollars.

Last year while in Italy, I bought cheese every time I went to the market, not thinking about its weight. By the time I began packing to return home, my suitcase was thirty pounds overweight.

I had a big dilemma, leaving my clothes behind or the cheese. I couldn’t come to a compromise.

After a few days of thinking, I decided to buy a new suitcase.

The suitcase cost me about one hundred and twenty Euros. At the airport, I had to pay an additional hundred euros for extra luggage. 

Was all that cheese worth my pain and suffering? Hell ya!

 Adding the cheese bought in Italy to my food, is like being home.

My mouth explodes with fireworks.  The saltiness, the creamy milk, and that tad of bitterness create a perfect marriage, called cheese, playing a harmonious dance on my tongue.

 Pasta in my house, it’s music in the heavens, immersed in cured buffalo ricotta and my homemade tomato sauce. 

Boarding a plane is a joke, waiting for hours. When the boarding is finally open, everyone stands up, resembling a herd of cows entering the barnyard. Most people move with the flow while others push themselves through to get ahead. Everyone gets called by the first letter of their last name. By the time my turn arrives, I find myself the last one in line due to my last name, starting with the letter J. I push myself through the overpacked aisles, dragging the hand luggage and an overstuffed purse.

The struggle begins the minute I need to get into my seat. The luggage spot above my seat has being taken by some inconsiderate individual a few rows down.

“How dare you come and invade my space; I paid for this spot, you wild ass.”

The reason for rushing ahead suddenly makes sense. I squeeze myself into the tiny 18-inch seat, feeling like a stuffed sausage. With no room to move, more like a planted tree trunk.

Flying for nine to ten hours straight with my ass cheeks planted in one spot is cruelty.

Hardly any room to stretch my feet, never mind eating.  I have dreams of seeing many places, but the nightmare of boarding a plane takes a vacation to another level. 

Now I have a clear vision of how animals feel being caged and shoved into small places.

I feel for them deeply.

Years ago, I travelled in first class. I had   a family emergency back in Italy; there were no seats left in second class; they decided to put me with the diplomats. My seat was a sofa chair, soft and comfortable; I sunk into the comfy chair like your head sinks into a pillow. I had plenty of space in front of my feet and my side. I could probably fit another person beside me.  First-class is the way to travel.

Just imagine yourself having to toot and stuck by a window seat. Either you clench your butt checks very hard with the hope that nothing will escape, not even a tiny squeal or try to make it to the bathroom.

In many cases, you will never make it to the bathroom without leaving a trail of foul odours along your way.

Oh the joy of travelling.

What Christmas Means To Me This Year (Muriel Allingham) 2020

What does Christmas mean to me this year?  As most people’s celebrations are arranged by a pandemic, mine is shaped by loss and struggle and having to grip a reality that I wasn’t prepared for.  Oh no, not the least of which is being ripped into living and cracked like an egg. And while the details of my loss are gruesome, I must admit that I am experiencing something unexpected this Christmas season. 

            I have not pulled out the delicate and sparkling Christmas decorations that are reminders of travels and years now literally left forgotten.  I am fortunate that I still have remnants of last Christmas on my doorstep and mantle—they seemed too heavy to remove after my loss, and they slipped from sight, as though they should be there all year.  Guess I am the epitome of a Country and Western song.  

            One thing I am feeling is gratitude, and there are many on the list that deserve my praise. Friends that have held my hand and walked with me through inclement weather, both literally and figuratively.  Friends that have laughed and cried with me, commiserated with me, and supplied me with unique and delightful avenues of revenge to carry out in my late-night fantasies.  

            And the crazy friends so full of life that it is hard not to be infected with their disease (as opposed to the Covid one).  

            And the unique people that have reached out to help me, and have become dear friends and sources of understanding and compassion. 

            My sister, who has worn the brunt of my emotional collapse, and from afar (UK) has reached out every day, since February 23—she is a saint, and being in lock-down since the beginning of the pandemic, has still listened to my woes on a daily basis.  And there are days where it must be difficult.  

            And then there’s me.  I didn’t think I could do it.  I did not feel as though I could care for my property, deal with all the legalities, take care of the house, look after two aging dogs or even survive after 20 years of living a life I thought I would go out in.  No, the house is not as clean as it used to be, but I did (with a bit of help) get all the outside work done this year.  

            Split from stern to stem; that’s what I feel like, but deep inside me is a growing joy, a personal best so to speak.  A cyclist that rode 2000 plus km this year, a meditation practitioner, a singer (very poor one, but a singer none-the-less).  A yoga enthusiast and a cook; yes, a cook.  I am learning French and reading poetry and the classics.  And I don’t have the leisure time I had a year ago, but that relaxation time is now golden moments that I can cherish.

            Yes, there has been shit; pure shit, but I’m learning to embrace it all and to risk everything knowing that a great new adventure awaits out there somewhere.  

            This Christmas will be definitely different.  I will at times be unhappy and I will feel lonely, but I know that I am blessed beyond what I felt last Christmas when I frolicked in what I believed to be my life of abundance.  And maybe the miracle of Christmas will be in the forgiveness I will learn, and as I grow into accepting that which I cannot change, I will realize how much I can change.  To everyone who has reached out to me this year; thank you from the bottom of my heart.  And to those that have surprised me with their own humanity and their crazy love of life, I will say cheers.  Next year’s goal; live in joy!  

“Virtual” Christmas Lunch

With London now in a red zone we have to face the reality that Forest City Wordwrights annual Christmas lunch at the RiverBend Clubhouse is not going to happen in 2020. So it seems like the best substitute would be a wander down memory lane.

Lunch #1 – 2017

Hard to believe – 3 years ago. The Forest City Wordwrights have been an entity for four years. For some reason there don’t appear to be any pictures from that lunch. Our “prompt” exercise consisted of writing about winter before the meeting and reading to the group at the meeting.

Lunch #2 – 2018.

The full group attended.


Lunch #3 – 2019


Lunch #4 – Virtual

Reflect on 2020 – well not too long. Best put this year behind us and look forward to a new year.

Lunch #5 – 2021

Let’s plan!!

One more thing…

Readings from past meetings:


My First Boyfriend and My Father (Diane Chartrand)

It was 1958, I was thirteen, and had just started high school where I met a boy that I really liked, his name was Walter Dudek.

We started spending time together at school then progressed to the movie theatre so that we could kiss in the dark, and no one would object.

When my father found out who I was spending time with, he was furious, telling me he was no good and came from the wrong side of town.

One night Walter came to pick me up at the house. It wasn’t funny at the time but amuses me now.

All I remember is my father chasing Walter through back yards, over fences, and down several hills.  As they kept running, my father was yelling, “You  stay away from my daughter, you stay far, far away from her, or it will be hell to pay.”

This is the picture I still see in my head.  My father was four foot, eleven inches tall, and Walter was five foot, six inches in height.  I never realized my father could run so far or jump so high.

I didn’t stop seeing Walter for several months afterward, but he never did he come to pick me up at home again.

Slip Up: Making Mistakes

In life, we all make mistakes.  Sometimes small ones, but at times they are huge and can never be taken back.  My mother always told us that we should learn from our mistakes.

Over the years, I have learned many lessons from my mistakes.  First, never speak before thinking about what you are going to say.  Choosing your words may make it less painful for the person you intend it for.

Being an average teenager, believing I knew better than her, words between my mother and myself were painful and can never be taken back.  I did learn a great lesson many years later about mothers and daughters. I apologized to her once becoming a mother myself with all the same challenges.  Think before you speak is now my motto.

Second,  we should all learn to check out the facts before accusing someone of doing something we didn’t approve of.  Maybe that person never committed the crime accused of, be it little or big.

When I was with my last partner, days became stressful at times when I would be home alone night after night until very late.  At that time, I was very timid and would never ask questions, but my mind went to all kinds of reasons.

One day this person came home with a friend who was very drunk and put her up in our spare room.  I accused him of all kinds of things that day.  Later on, it became clear that I was wrong.  This person had a problem, and he was just keeping her from getting into her car and driving away.  So, facts first prevent less hurt and humiliation.

Third, remember that you are not always the one who has made a mistake.  People come in all spaces.  Some are very upfront and say whatever they are thinking, and then there are the ones like me.   I am an introvert and hold everything inside, always believing it was me who did something wrong.

Making mistakes is part of life, who we are, and what we do.  If we don’t find a suitable way to learn from what we do, the pattern will be to do it over and over again.  We should not be so troubled by small mistakes as they usually work themselves out, but the bigger ones could have consequences for the rest of our lives.

What we do and what we say is important.  How we do it or say it, could become a mistake.  An example of a mistake could be thinking you are crazy in love with someone and then find out that person has no idea who you even are.  Oops!  Now all your friends are calling you names like stupid, idiot, you are not in his league.

I have made many small mistakes, the number too large to count, over my seventy-five years, and am sorry for all of them.  I have learned to not repeat anything that was done previously.

I have made a few very enormous mistakes that have impacted my entire life, including now.  I can not take them back, I have not been forgiven for doing them, and it has changed who I have become.

One day I hope that some parts of my biggest ones will resolve at least so that the parties involved will forgive me.  One of them did many years ago, but I don’t believe the rest will get to that recognition of the actual facts and that it was a mistake on my part only, not theirs.

Tread carefully in life and be aware of everything you do, think, say, and there will not be so much pain in your heart or the heart of others.  I know sometimes we are not aware it is a mistake, and for those, hopefully, we are forgiven.

Life is hard.  Mistakes are even harder.  Everyone does it and probably will still continue on this path.  Now, after hearing my words, you might be able to refrain from being so liberal with all of yours.