John Lennon hoped to inspire the world through the lyrics of his song “Imagine”.
In 2024, these lyrics are most fitting. Imagine, all the people living in countries torn apart by hate and violence. Imagine, all the people living in the midst of gun fire, bomb blasts and explosions. Imagine, all the people in war torn countries imagining how they will make it through the night. Imagine, all the children searching the rubble to locate their possessions or even members of their family. Imagine, the struggle to find food, to access medical supplies or medical care for injured family members. Imagine, all the institutions struggling to remain supportive; schools struggling to remain open, hospitals over-crowded and challenged to provide care in the midst of constant bombing, supply shortages, confusion, sobbing, or the tension created by persons demanding care or shrieking from the pain. Imagine, doctors providing care for the injured in the midst of confusion, angst and supply shortages. Imagine, market places struggling to provide much needed food, while managing confusion and hysterial hunger competing for access. Imagine, volunteers driving medical supplies into a war zone from England to Kiev. Imagine, the angst of volunteers and their families over the safety of these missions. Imagine, the courage required to fight, to volunteer, to support or to survive in the midst of the many deadly conflicts around the world. Imagine, a time when all people everywhere will be able to live in peace.
From my era so resonates but very clever!