Looking to the Future (Diane Chartrand)

Life has been so grim since March 2019, causing Brianna to stop dwelling on now and envision what is to come in her future.

She closes her eyes and lets her body relax, focusing on what she can see in her mind.  The first thing that comes up is the downtown core with people walking around and talking to others they meet.  No one has a mask on or standing far apart.  They at times hug or kiss.

The next thing that comes up is Brianna sitting at her computer creating a video for her next book to be published.  In the past, it was possible to go out and read portions of your book to a crowd of people or go to conventions to promote a new book. 

She sees herself signing copies of her book in several local bookstores.  The line is long and goes on forever all the way out the door, and someone said even down the street.

Tired from signing her name, she now looks further in the future to a vacation.  Water lapping on the shore and a cool drink in her hand as she watches the surfers maneuver the waves.  Yes, this is the future she wants.

Opening her eyes, Brianna now knows the direction she will be taking for the next couple of years. First, she will finish the two books already started and arrange with the local bookstores to have signing events and meet her fans.

Next, she will give herself that vacation she has always wanted to Hawaii, where she can sit on the beach with a special drink in her hand and watch everyone with joy. Then, she would visit the volcano and maybe all the other islands before going home.

Brianna can now see an ending to all that has depressed her over the past months.  Once everyone is safe and unable to transmit the virus, she will be free to have a future. Unfortunately, she has gotten to the point that the only place she can experience a future is in her mind, but it will all become real one day.

Going again to work at the library, visiting family who are far away.  That is the future she seeks, and she knows that it will all happen with a plan.  Won’t It?

She knows that planning a future is the only way to get through the now and move forward.  Pleasant thoughts, happy places are all there in the future, just to spend time with and breathe.

She knows taking precautions now will give everyone a future.  Yes, it will probably be a different one than everyone imagined a year ago, but it will be a future.

Brianna knows in her heart that everything will get better and all her visions will happen.  She just has to believe that in order to move on.  She will put everything that has happened over the past year and just focus on her future plan.

As like Brianna, we all need to look to the future and plan what we want to do or accomplish when we get there.  So everyone, pick up a notepad and start planning what you want to do in your future—Good Luck from Brianna. 

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