In life, we all make mistakes. Sometimes small ones, but at times they are huge and can never be taken back. My mother always told us that we should learn from our mistakes.
Over the years, I have learned many lessons from my mistakes. First, never speak before thinking about what you are going to say. Choosing your words may make it less painful for the person you intend it for.
Being an average teenager, believing I knew better than her, words between my mother and myself were painful and can never be taken back. I did learn a great lesson many years later about mothers and daughters. I apologized to her once becoming a mother myself with all the same challenges. Think before you speak is now my motto.
Second, we should all learn to check out the facts before accusing someone of doing something we didn’t approve of. Maybe that person never committed the crime accused of, be it little or big.
When I was with my last partner, days became stressful at times when I would be home alone night after night until very late. At that time, I was very timid and would never ask questions, but my mind went to all kinds of reasons.
One day this person came home with a friend who was very drunk and put her up in our spare room. I accused him of all kinds of things that day. Later on, it became clear that I was wrong. This person had a problem, and he was just keeping her from getting into her car and driving away. So, facts first prevent less hurt and humiliation.
Third, remember that you are not always the one who has made a mistake. People come in all spaces. Some are very upfront and say whatever they are thinking, and then there are the ones like me. I am an introvert and hold everything inside, always believing it was me who did something wrong.
Making mistakes is part of life, who we are, and what we do. If we don’t find a suitable way to learn from what we do, the pattern will be to do it over and over again. We should not be so troubled by small mistakes as they usually work themselves out, but the bigger ones could have consequences for the rest of our lives.
What we do and what we say is important. How we do it or say it, could become a mistake. An example of a mistake could be thinking you are crazy in love with someone and then find out that person has no idea who you even are. Oops! Now all your friends are calling you names like stupid, idiot, you are not in his league.
I have made many small mistakes, the number too large to count, over my seventy-five years, and am sorry for all of them. I have learned to not repeat anything that was done previously.
I have made a few very enormous mistakes that have impacted my entire life, including now. I can not take them back, I have not been forgiven for doing them, and it has changed who I have become.
One day I hope that some parts of my biggest ones will resolve at least so that the parties involved will forgive me. One of them did many years ago, but I don’t believe the rest will get to that recognition of the actual facts and that it was a mistake on my part only, not theirs.
Tread carefully in life and be aware of everything you do, think, say, and there will not be so much pain in your heart or the heart of others. I know sometimes we are not aware it is a mistake, and for those, hopefully, we are forgiven.
Life is hard. Mistakes are even harder. Everyone does it and probably will still continue on this path. Now, after hearing my words, you might be able to refrain from being so liberal with all of yours.